40 Facts Successful People Know About Decision, Which Help Them Become More Successful - SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE MAGAZINE


Monday, January 29, 2024

40 Facts Successful People Know About Decision, Which Help Them Become More Successful

40 Facts Successful People Know About Decision, Which Help Them Become More Successful

By Charles Segun Adegbite

Successful People know the following facts about decision. And this knowledge help them in making and managing good decisions every day.

Decisions Determine DESTINY.
NO. 2
Life is all about decision making.  

You stop living the day you stop making decisions.
NO. 4
Decisions make men, and women. Likewise, decisions ruin men and women.

NO. 5
Good decisions make the rich become richer.
On the other hand, poor decisions make poor people become poorer.

NO. 6
Great decisions make great men and women. However, little decisions make little men and women.

NO. 7
Wise decisions make wise men. On the other hand, foolish decisions make foolish men and women.

No. 8
Indecision is a decision not to make decisions.

Indecision robs men and women of early achievements.

No. 10
Decisiveness is a great virtue of action men and women.

Decisiveness distinguishes leaders from followers.

Every decision brings loss or gain.

  Good decisions can make bad destiny  become good and even better.

Every decision brings increase or loss.

Decisions control destiny.

Decisions shape and modify destiny.

Good decisions can make bad destiny  become good and even better.

Quality decisions bring riches. Likewise, poor decisions bring poverty.

Decisions bring promotion. Likewise, decisions bring demotion.

Indecision bring stagnation and retrogression.

No. 20
Every decision has consequences. Likewise every indecision on things that require decision has consequences.

No. 21
The moment you make any decision you automatically activate the consequences of that decision; whether you are aware of the consequences or not.

No. 22
Everything we experience in life is a consequence of the decision we make, or that was made on our behalf.


The quality of our decisions determines the quality of our actions.

No 23
The quality of our body may depreciate with time, but the quality of our whole life can appreciate through quality decisions we make daily.

No 24
The quality of our decisions determines the quality of our actions.

No. 25
The quality of our actions, through the decisions we make, determine the quality of our lives.

No. 26
Daily decisions accumulate to form and shape destiny.

No 27
One major decision can change the destiny of anyone permanently.

No 28
Time doesn't change things; it only reveals the quality of all the decisions we have made over time.

No. 29
Any seemingly minor decision with great consequences can lay foundation for destruction of a great future.

No. 30
A seemingly minor decision by one person can change the life of an entire family.

No 31
A seemingly minor decision by one person can affect a whole city, state or nation.

You may not be able to determine the decisions made by others, which affect you, but you can determine the extent to which such decisions affect you.

No 32
Everyone in this world 40 Facts Successful People Know About Decision, Which Help Them Become More Successfulg a product of the decisions made by themselves, their parents, their companions, society and the nation.

No 33
No one can achieve all their goals in life by taking their decisions all alone.

No 34
Every successful person becomes successful by mastering how to manage their own decisions,  and the effects of the decisions made by others on them.

No 35
You may not be able to determine the decisions made by others, which affect you, but you can determine the extent to which such decisions affect you.

No 36
Success and greatness come by being able to make strong decisions and manage them effectively.

No 37
You don't become a successful person by making good and great decisions occasionally. You become a successful person by making good and great decisions, all the time.

No 38
Being able to engage in and master the art of mobilising people who can help you in making better decisions, is one of the secrets of successful people and great leaders.

No 39. To beecome successful, unsuccessful people must know how to make and manage good and great decisions. And keep practicing it until it becomes a habit.

No 40
If you don't know how to make good and strong decisions, you will be controlled always by the decisions made by strong decisions makers.

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